Get Started with Autocad: a Step-by-step Tutorial for Beginners

12 May 2023. Authored by Harper Collins. Estimated time to deepen your understanding of the topic: 10 minutes.

Introduction to Autocad and Why It Is Important for Beginners to Learn.

Autocad is ​​a computer-aided design (CAD) software that allows you to create 2D and 3D designs with precision and accuracy. Many industries, including architecture, engineering, and construction, rely on Autocad to create blueprints and designs. It is important for beginners to learn Autocad because it is widely used in these industries and can lead to better job opportunities. Even if you don’t plan on pursuing a career in these fields, learning Autocad can still be helpful in creating designs for personal projects, such as home renovations or DIY projects.


The interface of Autocad may seem overwhelming for beginners, but with practice, it can become easier to navigate. Understanding the different menus, toolbars, and commands is key to mastering the software. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the basics of Autocad to help you get started.


Understanding the Interface: Exploring the Different Menus, Toolbars and Commands in Autocad.

When you first open Autocad, you will see a variety of menus and toolbars. The most commonly used menus include the File menu, which allows you to save and open files, and the Edit menu, which allows you to modify existing designs. The toolbars consist of icons that represent various commands, such as drawing lines or circles.


Autocad has over 1500 commands, and while it is not necessary to memorize them all, it is helpful to be familiar with some of the most commonly used ones. Some popular commands include LINE, which allows you to draw a straight line, CIRCLE, which allows you to draw a circle, and MOVE, which allows you to move an object to a different location. If you want a comprehensive list of Autocad commands, check out this AutoCAD Commands List for more information.


Creating Basic Objects: Learn How to Draw Simple Shapes and Lines in Autocad.

One of the essential skills to master when using Autocad is creating basic objects, such as lines and shapes. These objects are the building blocks of more complex designs and projects. To create a line, select the LINE command from the toolbar or enter ‘L’ into the command line. Then click on the starting point of your line and drag your cursor to the endpoint. Finally, click the endpoint to finish your line. To create a shape, select the SHAPE command, and choose from predefined shapes such as circles, rectangles, and polygons.


Autocad provides various tools to create precise measurements and angles. One popular tool to use is the SNAP tool. This feature allows you to snap your cursor to specific points in your design, such as the endpoint of a line or the center of a circle. When drawing lines and shapes, use the SNAP tool to ensure that your design is symmetrical and accurate. Autocad also allows you to set up multiple layouts or tabs within your drawing file. This feature helps you organize your designs and create templates for future projects. To learn more about layouts, check out this helpful tutorial.


Editing Objects: How to Modify and Refine Your Drawings Using Editing Tools in Autocad.

After creating your objects, you may need to make adjustments and modifications to refine your design. Autocad offers a variety of editing tools to help you with this task. To select an object for editing, use the SELECT command or type ‘SE’ into the command line. This command allows you to select an object by clicking on it with your cursor. Once the object is selected, use the MOVE command to move the object to a different location. You can also use the ERASE command to remove an object from your design entirely.


If you need to modify an object’s shape or size, use the TRIM or EXTEND tool. The TRIM command allows you to cut an object to a specific point, while the EXTEND command lets you extend the object to a particular endpoint. Another useful tool is the ARRAY command, which creates copies of an object in a specific pattern or shape.


Finally, it is essential to save your file frequently while working on it. By default, Autocad saves your file with a .dwg extension. To view your design on other software, you may need to save your file in a different format, such as .pdf or .dxf. Learn more about Autocad file extensions and how to save your file in this helpful guide.

Adding Text and Dimensions: Learn How to Add Text and Dimensions to Your Drawings

Adding text and dimensions to your drawings is an essential part of creating a professional-looking design. In Autocad, you can add text using the TEXT command. Once you select the command, you will be prompted to select the insertion point, height, rotation angle, and text string. After you have entered the text, you can modify its properties, such as the font, size, and style, using the Properties Palette. The dimensions can be added by selecting the DIM command, which allows you to create different types of dimensions, including linear, angular, and radial.


In addition to the basic text and dimension features, Autocad also offers advanced tools, such as multileaders and tables. Multileaders allow you to add information, such as notes or details, to your drawings. Tables allow you to organize data, such as parts lists or schedules, into a visual format. By mastering these advanced tools, you can take your drawings to the next level and improve your efficiency in the design process. For a comprehensive guide on mastering Autocad Mechanical, check out Autocad Mechanical.


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Conclusion: Tips on How to Practice and Improve Your Skills in Autocad as a Beginner

Practicing regularly is key to improving your skills in Autocad. One way to practice is to recreate designs that have already been created, such as blueprints or sketches. This will help you familiarize yourself with the different commands and tools in Autocad. Another way to practice is to use online resources, such as tutorials or forums, where you can find tips and ask questions about the software.


As you become more familiar with Autocad, you can begin experimenting with different features and commands. You can also customize the interface to fit your preferences and workflow. Exploring the different menus, toolbars, and commands will help you discover new ways to work with the software and optimize your design process. Remember, practice makes perfect, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed.



Harper Collins is a screenwriter from Austin, TX. She is known for her powerful dramas that explore themes of family, identity, and self-discovery.

4 thoughts on “Get Started with Autocad: a Step-by-step Tutorial for Beginners

  1. In AutoCAD, adding text and dimensions is essential for creating clear and accurate drawings. But did you know there are advanced tools like multileaders and tables that can enhance your designs even further? Join me as we explore these features and discover how they can streamline your workflow and elevate your drawings to new heights.

    1. In AutoCAD, the inclusion of text and dimensions is crucial to ensure the creation of precise and comprehensible drawings. However, it is worth noting that there exist advanced tools such as multileaders and tables which possess the potential to further enhance design quality. Engaging in an exploration of these features will reveal their capacity to optimize workflow efficiency and elevate drawings to unprecedented levels of excellence.

  2. The TRIM and EXTEND tools in this application provide convenient ways to modify an object’s shape or size. The ARRAY command is also a valuable tool for creating patterns or shapes. Additionally, the reminder to save frequently is crucial to avoid losing work. Autocad’s ability to save files in different formats enhances compatibility. Overall, this application offers a comprehensive set of features for professional design creation.

    1. In my expert opinion, the TRIM and EXTEND tools in this application offer efficient means to alter an object’s configuration or dimensions. Moreover, the ARRAY command serves as a commendable resource for constructing intricate patterns or shapes. The periodic reminder to save work is of paramount importance to circumvent potential data loss. Furthermore, Autocad’s capability to save files in diverse formats greatly enhances interoperability. All in all, this application boasts a comprehensive array of features, making it highly suitable for professional design creation.

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